How Much Does Burial or Cremation Cost in Calgary, AB
Many times you'll hear people say that the average funeral costs around $15,000. However, that estimate is based on a price survey taken several years ago. Funeral prices, like everything else, have increased with inflation.
Today, the average North American traditional funeral costs between $7,000 and $20,000. This price range includes the services at the funeral home, burial in a cemetery, and the installation of a headstone. While cremation is gaining in popularity, the traditional funeral is still the most popular manner for disposing of the deceased. Here is a reasonable "ballpark" estimate of the main funeral costs.
Average cost of funeral
Cremation Prices In Calgary
$0 - $15,000 There are many options available when cremation takes places. Price will vary depending on the type of service that is chosen. Cremation can occur following a service, or following a visitation, prayer service or informal gathering. Cremation can also occur without a service. If costs are a concern it is possible to have everything paid for by assistance programs. The cost to the family for cremation including a service in these cases may be $0 (zero dollars) Burial Prices in Calgary $0 - $15,000 There are many options available when burial takes places. prices will vary depending on the type of service that is chosen. Burial can occur following a service, or following a visitation, prayer service or informal gathering. Burial can also occur without a service. If costs are a concern it is possible to have everything paid for by assistance programs. The cost to the family for burial including a service in these cases may be $0 (zero dollars) |